Algood Christian Elementary School

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1. Learners will choose to accept God as the Creator and the Redeemer.

2. Learners will grow in their knowledge and understanding of God’s Creation.

3. Learners will creatively apply their spiritual, physical, intellectual, and social-emotional knowledge.

4. Learners will demonstrate their commitment to the Creator through service to others.

Algood Christian Elementary School (ACE) is a Christian community of learners dedicated to extraordinary accomplishments. ACE seeks to inspire its learners to think deeply, serve unselfishly, and love God completely. ACE offers standard academic classes in language arts, reading, math, social studies and science. Additionally, Forest School, computer, handbells, chimes, art, and PE classes are standard curriculum for every grade level.

ACE students participate in assessments and testing, including Dibels, MAP (Measure of Academic Progress), and ERB Authentic Writing Assessments.  Our students traditionally achieve scores above the national norms.

Our teachers hold North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists (NAD) certification.  They regularly participate in professional development throughout the summer months. The teachers continually update their practices and curriculum to best serve our students. They use a variety of teaching methods to reach the variety of learning styles of the students that make up each classroom.


Bible: Elementary Encounter

Math: Big Ideas (grades K-2), Saxon Mathematics (grades 3-8)

Science: By Design Textbooks

Reading & Writing: Pathways 2.0

Phonics: Wilson Fundations (grades K-2)

Spelling/Handwriting: Zaner-Bloser

Social Studies: McGraw Hill

Keyboarding: TypingAgent

Music: Handbell and Chime Instruction

Yearbook: TreeRing

Physical Education

Fine Arts

Forest School



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